Convalescent Plasma Update

As of Friday, March 19, 2021, NYBC will be pausing collections of convalescent plasma for the foreseeable future. Fortunately, with more people getting vaccinated each day and hospitalizations continuing to decline, the current supply of convalescent plasma is sufficient to meet the needs of patients and hospitals. We are hopeful that the vaccination rates will continue to reduce the need for this product, but we stand ready to resume collections if necessary.

New York Blood Center started it’s convalescent plasma program in order to treat patients with serious or immediately life-threatening COVID-19 infections and to reduce the need for ICU beds and ventilators. Thanks to generous donors, we’ve been able to collect nearly 100,000 donations, distribute units to more than 40 states and several other countries, and create a strong national inventory of convalescent plasma.

We are grateful to all of our donors for their support and encourage all eligible donors to consider donating red blood cells and platelets. Our region has faced chronic blood shortages throughout the pandemic and donations are urgently needed. By becoming a blood or platelet donor, you can continue to save lives. 

Become a red cell donor.

Become a platelet donor.