Become a Donor

Thousands of men, women, and children need donated blood products each day, and this need could not be met without the dedication of volunteer blood donors. Current processing techniques allow a single blood donation, when separated into components, to help save at least three lives.

Your blood donations help treat cancer patients, traumatic accident and burn victims, newborn babies and mothers delivering babies, patients undergoing surgery, and many more. On average, hip replacement surgery typically uses one unit of blood, while a cardiac bypass patient may use two units, and a liver transplant can require some six units!

Plasma contains vital proteins, nutrients, and clotting factors that help prevent and stop bleeding. Donated plasma aids patients with blood diseases as well as those with low platelet count or non-functioning platelets at high risk of bleeding, such as chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant patients.

Your platelet donations play an essential role in ensuring a patient’s blood can clot when needed. Platelets also contain growth factors that help repair damaged body tissue.

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