IRL Experience: an MLS Rotation in the IRL

Thank you for registering for the IRL Experience: an MLS Rotation in the IRL at Community Blood Center (CBC).  Please check your confirmation email for date/time information.

Please complete the following items prior to your arrival at CBC:

  • Print the IRL Experience Student Handbook
  • Complete the online modules & complete associated pages in handbook (see p. 1 of the Student Handbook)
    • Comparing Blood Bank Methods (p. 2-5 of handbook)
    • ABO Discrepancies (p. 7 of this handbook)
    • DATs, Eluates and Rh Nomenclature (p. 9-14 of this handbook)
    • Warm Autoantibodies (p. 15-17 of this handbook)

Go to online modules

Please address any questions to  

In the event you need to cancel your registration, please notify us at as soon as possible, so that we can update registration availability.