NYBC Overview

New York Blood Center Enterprises (NYBCe) has cultivated a culture of caring for patients across our diverse communities for over five decades. Our founders were challenged with the monumental task of realizing their vision to provide a safe and reliable community blood supply, and they succeeded thanks to the cooperation and partnership of dedicated community and corporate leaders, employees, blood donors, volunteers, and contributors. Their bold ideas, innovative spirit, and focus on service excellence created lasting impact on the lives of countless patients locally, nationally, and around the world. Today, we proudly serve as a vital community lifeline dedicated to serving patients and advancing global public health.

In 1964, New York Blood Center was born in the heart of New York City, and today, New York Blood Center Enterprises (NYBCe) continues to fulfill its four-part mission to: 1) provide the highest quality blood and stem cell services, and related medical and consultative services, to hospitals and patients in the greater New York area and beyond; 2) conduct the highest quality, innovative research in the fields of hematology, transfusion medicine, and cellular therapies, thus advancing these fields and positively impacting public health; 3) develop products, technologies, and services in the fields of hematology, transfusion medicine, and cellular therapies, with the potential to have worldwide humanitarian impact; and 4) train the next generation of leaders in these fields.  

Our cutting-edge innovation, decades of experience, and world-renowned expertise make us one of the largest independent, community-based blood centers in the world. Along with partner organizations Community Blood Center of Kansas City, Missouri, Innovative Blood Resources, and Rhode Island Blood Center, and Blood Bank of Delmarva, we collect approximately 4,000 units of blood products each day and serve a population approaching 50 million people in the Tri-State area (NY, NJ, CT), Mid-Atlantic area (PA, DE, MD), Kansas City metropolitan area, Minnesota, Nebraska, Rhode Island, and Southern New England. NYBCe is internationally recognized for its high humanitarian impact, research and development, and  commercial collaboration. We deliver lifesaving blood products, pharmaceuticals, and a myriad of high-quality clinical, technical, testing, and consultative services to care providers and patients both in our communities and globally, including more than 600 hospitals and dozens of research organizations, academic institutions, and biomedical companies each year.  

The lifesaving efforts of our donors, investigators, and employees ensure we continue to combine top-notch blood processing and scientific expertise to the direct benefit of patients. From organ transplants to heart surgeries, today’s advanced medical care relies on blood transfusions. When one person donates a unit of blood, it can be separated into individual components to save multiple lives. NYBC and its divisions meet the daily transfusion needs of cancer and surgery patients, accident and burn victims, newborns and mothers delivering babies, AIDS and sickle cell anemia patients, and many more. 

Corporate Publications

NYBC corporate publications reflect our commitment to standards, policies, and procedures that ensure we continue to achieve our mission and maintain our core values of quality, excellence, service, leadership, respect, innovation, compassion, integrity, maintaining public trust, and sharing knowledge.