Contact Us

Appointments to Donate Blood

Call (800) 933-2566

Medical Concerns or Questions

After donation if you feel your blood should not be given to a patient, or if you experience signs or symptoms of illness, call:

Monday - Friday (9AM-5PM): NYBC Special Donor Services at (800) 688-0900 
(After regular hours or on weekends: NYBC Physician on call at (212) 699-5233)

For Hospital Customer Service

(718) 707-3771

Products and Services Inquiries for Research and Development Projects

Please review the Research Products page and submit the request form located at the bottom of the Research Products page.

Media Inquiries

For media inquiries, please complete and submit the Media Contact form.

General Inquiries

For all other inquiries, comments or suggestions submit the following form.

Please describe the location of the donation center if applicable.